A thankful list to mark the year end,
- Kids...That too happy ones (well most of the time) ..ever thankful.
- Family – You know who you are, especially thankful for finishing up a conversation with me in person/phone ;)
- Friends – Again encouraging /commenting whenever needed.
- Skype – Feels I am never far way from Mom.
- Job – and that too an exciting one.
- My Kitchen – a perfect one, to show off my rage/happy moods.
- People – Mostly whom I meet on daily basis, an INSPIRATION!
- TV/Movies –for helping forget my dull moments.
- Father in Law – Most amazing optimistic person I have met. Help me grow as an individual. Missing you.
- Though we had our share of similar & opposite opinions, am thankful for the one who encourages and keeps me going, Picks me up when I fall (which is quite often) -Dear Husband.