videos and helped me post those here.A big special thanks to my sweet cousin sis.
Maida - 8 cups
Eggs - 2
Sugar -2tsp
Salt - as needed
Water - as needed
Sieve maida and mix it with egg,sugar and salt.Knead it into soft dough using water.It took about 15-20 minutes of punching the dough with my fists.Divide the dough into equal sized balls and dip them in oil(half of the ball should be covered in oil and just pour some oil on top of the balls.(i know what u r thinking..this much oil..not to worry..the dough won't absorb the oil.The oil is just to keep the balls moist.You can very well reuse this oil for later cooking.Another option is, just rub the each ball very well with oil and keep it in a airtight vessel).Set this aside for 4-5 hrs.After 4-5 hrs, take one ball at a time.Roll that into a small chappathi.As shown below,keep one hand under and another over the chappathi and start beating it on the counter top.Keep going around the chappathi doing this until, the chappathi is very thin.Now try streching the chappathi with your hand to max level.Sometimes the chappathi breaks, that's just fine. Now pick the chappathi up by one end.Hold it vertically and try streching a little, careful not to break it.
Now keep rolling this in spirals and tuck the end into the center.just spread little oil on the sprial ball.After done making all the spiral balls, now get ready for the last step.Take one spiral ball at a time, roll it into small thick chappathi.Cook this in a hot griddle till it's golden brown on both the sides.(if you want u can add little oil while cooking).When 4-5 parottas are cooked, take and stack it up.Now try pushing them with both the hands from all the sides.This is just to separate the's done serve is hot with mutton/chicken curry.We served these with Mutton salna, just like u get in the road side tattukada.(will post that recipe soon).
This is little time consuming one, but i bet u will never regret it..

Two eggs,flour,salt,sugar..getting ready to knead...

kneaded dough

dipped in oil

rolling into chappathi

Beating starts

Making it thinner

Streching to the max...

Streching vertically alil' bit

rolling spirally

Fully rolled one

Making thick chappathi out of spiral balls

Parottas cooking

Finished product..delicious..