Thursday, July 10, 2008

200th Post - Maggi Chicken Dinner

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200th post,came a long way for the past two years and thanks to all fellow foodies for encouraging me along the way.And my dear hubby Subba,son Ram who don't complain and eat pretty much anything i cook,deserve a big THANK YOU.Especially to my Son Ram, who waits by the plate "impatiently" until i finish my photography ..:-D.And to my sis V for trying out my recipes and commenting on the photos,Thank you so much!.

Being 200th post, wanted to share a special recipe that my son Ram loves.He is big fan of maggi noodles.Last week in the library,i saw this easy microwave Ramen Chicken Dinner from a food magazine , Taste of Home.Wanted to try it out soon, as Ram loves chicken and noodles.So this will be a perfect treat for him.So tried right away and was a success.I used maggi noodles instead of ramen and followed rest of the recipe as it is.

Maggi/Ramen Chicken Dinner


Maggi/ramen noodles -1 packet
Celery - 1/4 cup
Frozen california blend vegetables,thawed - 1 1/2 cup (i used only fresh carrots)
Frozen peas - 1/4 cup
Water -1/2 cup
Chicken breasts,1/2 inch stripes -1/2 1b
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp
Canola oil - 2 tbsp
Sugar -1 tsp
Red pepper flakes - 1/4 - 1/2 tsp


Set the seasoning packet from noodle aside.In a 2 qt M/W safe bowl, combine noodles,frozen vegetables,peas,celery and water.cover and M/W on high fpr 4-5 minutes or until noodes are tender,stirring once.Place chicken in another M/W safe bowl, cover and cook 2-3 mins or until chicken juices run clear.Stir chicken into the noodle mixture.Meanwhile in a small bowl, combine soy sauce,oil,seasoning mix,sugar and red pepper flakes.Pour over chicken mix and mw uncovered on high for 45sec or until heated through.


Sig said...

Hi Maheswari, Congrats on the 200th post. Keep up the great work!

indosungod said...

Congrats on the 200th post! Maggi noodles used to be our childhood favorite, now the next generataion is catching on to it. DD loves it too.

Anonymous said...

Congrat son your 200th post. I loveeee maggi noodles easy to make and yummy too.

Unknown said...

Maheswari,u tempted me a lot and this is what I am going to have for lunch now.It looks awesome.

Illatharasi said...

Wow, 200th post.... You should be feeling great;) Congatulations Maheswari!!!

Noodles look great.... I too try different recipes with maggi;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats and i wish you to write more and more.....


Ramya Bala said...

Congrats dear,U should be really proud of urself....And the noodles look wonderful.

Srivalli said...

congrats ...good going!!..maggi looks great!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 200th post! The noodles look wonderful.Brought back fond memories :)

Dori said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! It's so nice that your son eats everything you cook... I'm sure he must have loved these noodles!

@the_whisk_affair said...

Congratulations on ur 200th post, Maheswari!! :-)May you continue to blog more and more!!

and the maggi dinner looks yummy!! i loooooove maggi noodles, and i miss them a lot. these used to be the staple of me and my friends when Chef JZ would put together maggi masala noodles!! :-)

notyet100 said...

congrats,,,on ur 200th post...maggi looks delicious..

Cham said...

Congrats on your 200 posts... Wish more...

KALVA said...

Yep i know abt this one.......

Unknown said...

love maggi noodles..This is a different recipe..Love the additio of chicken..

Trupti said...

Congratulations Maheshwari on 200th post. Maggi dish looks delicious and easy to make.

Uma said...

congrats on the milestone! Wish you many more milestones. Maggie is my fav. too. Looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 200th post. Hope to c more...

Red Chillies said...

Congratulations on the 200th post. It is a major milestone and wishes for more to come.

Maggi looks yumm!

Kalai said...

200 posts, Maheswari?! You rock!! Congratulations, dear! Maggi noodles look delicious. :)

Rashmi said...

congrats on ur 200th post....
and Ur photos look great.....

do visit my blog when u find time... and leave ur valuable comments and suggestions
blog title: en vittu virundhu
blog url:

Shreya said...

Congratulations on the 200th post!:-) Blogs like yours are an inspiration for novices like me! I love the maggi recipe with chicken, I just made it yesterday with vegetables and egg. The egg curry looks so good:-)

Anonymous said...

hey you should share this amazing maggi recipe at the maggi fansite,

Anonymous said...

awesome definitely going to try it.. i also saw some unique ways to prepare my favorite maggi at you should check it out.